"But dismantling any government agency, let alone the Education Department,...
“But dismantling any government agency, let alone the Education Department, is far more complicated than Perry makes it sound. It would require a vote in Congress that even Ronald Reagan could not drum...
View Article"These kids came from impoverished backgrounds and many times, no father....
““These kids came from impoverished backgrounds and many times, no father. Fitzpatrick used that to his advantage and preyed on these kids that were poor,” Crump said. “The one thing that I do think is...
View Articlenikkidoughnuts:nothing2c:elledark: A Deadlier Threat Than...
nikkidoughnuts:nothing2c:elledark: A Deadlier Threat Than TerrorismBe very scared. A killer stalks the U.S. public claiming, by recent estimates, 45,000 lives annually or one dead American about every...
View ArticleThe Power of Diverse Science Fiction | Diversity in YA
The Power of Diverse Science Fiction | Diversity in YA
View ArticleDelta defeats ex-Northwest attendants' equal pay bid | Reuters
Delta defeats ex-Northwest attendants' equal pay bid | Reuters: So glad I’m not a flight attendant anymore. =\
View Articlethink-progress: Two Wall Streeters apparently forgot their jobs...
think-progress: Two Wall Streeters apparently forgot their jobs were saved by taxpayers, like many of these protesters. H/T Justin Elliot And why, exactly, aren’t these people at work, where all of the...
View Article"Do you have any idea how tired I am of being reduced to an appendage of my...
“Do you have any idea how tired I am of being reduced to an appendage of my (present and future) children? Do you have any idea how tired I am of the idea that I should exist solely to give my daughter...
View Articletruth-has-a-liberal-bias: Perry says Obama ‘grew up in a...
truth-has-a-liberal-bias: Perry says Obama ‘grew up in a privileged way’ Gov. Rick Perry on Wednesday night said President Barack Obama “grew up in a privileged way” and that America’s foreign policy...
View Articleseagull: “Do you have any idea how tired I am of being reduced to an...
seagull: “Do you have any idea how tired I am of being reduced to an appendage of my (present and future) children? Do you have any idea how tired I am of the idea that I should exist solely to give my...
View ArticleTea Party Plans Premeditated Felony | Wisconsin Politics
Tea Party Plans Premeditated Felony | Wisconsin Politics: greaterthanlapsed: Madison — The kick off campaign to recall embattled governor Scott Walker kicks off in just four days and with that date...
View Article"The bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a...
“The bill also would allow tomato paste on pizzas to be counted as a vegetable, as it is now. USDA had wanted to only count a half-cup of tomato paste or more as a vegetable, and a serving of pizza has...
View ArticleWould it be that hard to put actual veggies on pizza? This is my eternal...
Would it be that hard to put actual veggies on pizza? This is my eternal question with school lunch standards. Kids will eat vegetables if you serve them prepared in tasty ways. (via karnythia)...
View Articlemindbabies: Would it be feasible to create a ‘school garden’ program where...
mindbabies: Would it be feasible to create a ‘school garden’ program where the students themselves take care of and maintain the produce that goes into their daily lunches? It’d be a really great...
View Articlefillupmyredcup: On 11/16/2011, Congress is to hold hearings on...
fillupmyredcup: On 11/16/2011, Congress is to hold hearings on the first American Internet censorship system. This bill can pass. If it does, the Internet and free speech will never be the same. Join...
View Article"I must admit that though I understood the argument intellectually, it struck...
“I must admit that though I understood the argument intellectually, it struck me as a harsh defense of the ethnic purity of the Israeli state when Tzipi said it. It was one of those conversations that...
View Article"I was there to take down the names of people who were arrested… As I’m...
“I was there to take down the names of people who were arrested… As I’m standing there, some African-American woman goes up to a police officer and says, ‘I need to get in. My daughter’s there. I want...
View Article25 college majors with the highest unemployment rates - CBS News
25 college majors with the highest unemployment rates - CBS News
View Article"These practices, Sears and Sears tell us, are all the rage in other,...
“These practices, Sears and Sears tell us, are all the rage in other, “primitive” cultures, where babies don’t cry (we know this, of course, because anthropologists have said so, but I don’t believe...
View Article"This might be a good time to point out that I am in no way attacking...
“This might be a good time to point out that I am in no way attacking families in which the moms work at home and the dads work in an office. I’m writing about a fairly specific community in which I...
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