Esoterica: jcoleknowsbest: One class I did learn somethings from was at the...
Esoterica: jcoleknowsbest: One class I did learn somethings from was at the...: karnythia:jcoleknowsbest:One class I did learn somethings from was at the community college here in the city… My...
View Article"As the Republican Party’s demographic base has shrunk, Fox News has...
“As the Republican Party’s demographic base has shrunk, Fox News has followed. The recent news that FNC (Fox News Channel) registered their lowest ratings with the 25-54 demographic in 12 years is not...
View Article"Public Policy Polling has been doing this poll yearly since 2010, and while...
“Public Policy Polling has been doing this poll yearly since 2010, and while many trends have stayed the same, there has been a complete reversal in viewer trust of Fox News. In 2010, 49% of viewers...
View Article"While it is now common knowledge that armed unmanned drones have been used...
“While it is now common knowledge that armed unmanned drones have been used for years on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, most Americans are unaware that drones are flying anywhere near the US. The...
View ArticleRon Paul is taking his fans to court over their free market attempt to sell...
abaldwin360:(The Atlantic Wire) - Ron Paul is feuding with his rabid fan base over the ownership of Paul wants it, but his fans own it. They’re willing to sell it to him… for a price Paul...
View Articlesquashed:edkohler:squashed:think-progress: Armed pro-gun protesters occupy...
squashed:edkohler:squashed:think-progress:Armed pro-gun protesters occupy the Oregon State CapitolI’m not sure this is the most effective tactic. If you’re a legislator surrounded by heavily-armed...
View Articlecaffeinatedfeminist:deliciouskaek:brooklynkatchadorian:aka14kgold...
caffeinatedfeminist:deliciouskaek:brooklynkatchadorian:aka14kgold:nncharlesz:youcrashquims:ipomoeaandthestarstealers:think-progress:Armed pro-gun protesters occupy the Oregon State CapitolPlease, white...
View Articledangeraptor: “In May 1967, two dozen Black Panther Party members walked into...
dangeraptor:“In May 1967, two dozen Black Panther Party members walked into the California Statehouse carrying rifles to protest a gun-control bill, prompting then-Gov. Ronald Reagan to comment,...
View Article"White folk are so blinded by their own privilege. People of color can’t even...
“White folk are so blinded by their own privilege. People of color can’t even have a peaceful, weaponless protest without getting killed. White people can walk into the fucking State Capitol with...
View Article"When it comes to shopping, the average American man has it made. At 189.8...
“When it comes to shopping, the average American man has it made. At 189.8 pounds and a size 44 regular jacket, he can wear Abercrombie & Fitch, American Apparel or Armani. Department stores, mall...
View Article60% of Republicans support "a path to citizenship." If told Obama also...
60% of Republicans support "a path to citizenship." If told Obama also supports it, the number drops to 39%.: petticoatruler:I hope no one is surprised by this.
View ArticleI find it interesting that...
…almost no one has been calling Chris Dorner mentally ill or talking about how he must have snapped to do such horrible things.Fox News is currently running an interview with a psychologist not talking...
View Article"“The Republican Party should be less worried about its image and more...
““The Republican Party should be less worried about its image and more worried about its substance. No party that dismantles the American Jobs Act, blocks the Violence Against Women Act and defeats the...
View Articlepublicshaming: Obama’s first State of the Union address of his second term!...
publicshaming:Obama’s first State of the Union address of his second term! And…dammit to hell. NOTTHISAGAIN.I guess Obama’s incredibly emotional speech about how “Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The...
View Articlejustinellis: Ebony’s social media strategy wins the day.
justinellis:Ebony’s social media strategy wins the day.
View Article"creating online feminism"
karnythia:everythingrhymeswithalcohol:nealzonwheelz:And I just unfollowed her tonight..I just…I need an adult & a drink for this moment. I do. Because this level of self aggrandizing should be...
View Articletierracita: TW: Black face, racism Immediate action...
tierracita:TW: Black face, racismImmediate action needed!Shirley Q Liquor, a black face drag queen, is coming to Portland, Oregon. The Eagle bar, a local gay bar, is bringing Chuck Knipp who is better...
View Articlemadgastronomer: musicpnppl: Update: Zack Braff tweeting...
madgastronomer:musicpnppl: Update: Zack Braff tweeting about Chris BrownIt’s always nice to see a guy standing up against partner abuse, isn’t it?Oh, hang on, Zach Braff was all set to do a big project...
View ArticleShort List of Male Celebrities that beat and/or rape women.
stfuhypocrisy:scifigamingmom:Charlie SheenSean ConneryGary OldmanDavid HasselhoffMel GibsonMichael FassbenderNicholas CageGary BuseyBill MurrayEminemAlec BaldwinPhil HartmanTommy LeeJosh BrolinSean...
View ArticleI thought I saw a flash of something this morning...
…about it being a woman’s body they found in the burned out cabin where Dorner was supposedly holed up. Possibly aired on CNN and someone posted a screen cap here. Did I imagine that, or was that...
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