Amy Winehouse had a vagina. She was famous. She was also an addict. None of these things make her a feminist or anything close to a person embodying feminist ideals. As an exemplary feminist, I’m telling you we don’t fucking want her. This is equality: A junkie rock star is a junkie rock star. Save your tears for the children starving to death in South Africa. Give your energy to innocent people dying from lack, not to famous people dying of excess. You can all cut the shit with the affected sympathy for a dead celebrity addict now. It cheapens the grief of people who’ve personally experienced real tragedy. A lot of people are saying it heightens awareness about addiction. Bullshit. She glorified her addiction at every turn and so did the media who has suddenly done a sympathy 180 to profit from her death. Rock stars OD every god damned day and they don’t shut down NarcAnon meetings as people are cured in droves. If you want to make an actual difference, volunteer to work with addicts. I have. That said, writing jokes is MY JOB. I am going to continue to do so and I don’t particularly care if you like it.
I keep coming back to your post in utter disbelief. First and foremost, being an addict does not inherently bar you from taking up feminist causes. There is not membership requirements that state you mustn’t have problems (past or present) with drugs and/or alcohol so it is absolutely ridiculous that you, an “exemplary feminist”, are trying to tell me that I do (or did not, I guess sadly) want Amy Winehouse on my side.
Secondly, do not use children in African nations to farther your image. They were not born to be used as pawns within your holier than thou “feminist” rant. The greatest thing about being a feminist is recognizing there are many issues that need to be fought. Yes, that included access to basic needs (like food, water, housing), privileged needs that is not so much of “privileges” but necessities (like Internet access, etc) and the treatments addicts deserve to receive instead of treating them as plagues on society. Also, there’s no such thing as “real tragedies”. Get out with your grading system. To say Amy “glorified” addiction shows how little you actually knew about her life because, if anything, she was taken advantage of.
Thirdly, this is a fucking feminist issue. Countless guy musicians has been canonized despite or even for their addictions. Whereas Amy has demonized and tossed the side for many. You cannot tell me that the writing about Amy had not been worse than what Pete has received over the past few years. You cannot say Amy has not been treated like trash, laughed at and teased solely because she was human. Winehouse died trying to get clean and, even if she didn’t, she still deserves to be treated with common decency. Everyone deserves peace. Everyone deserves respect. So how dare you come on here to talk shit about how she deserved nothing, using people to service your own self-righteousness, then say it is nothing but “a joke”.
I do not even know what you said or who you are but your jokes, these “jokes” in general, are nothing but ways to keep society from realizing that addicts are not anything more than monsters who “deserve” what came to them. Fuck you.
HOW DARE YOU make this a feminist issue.