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colormeradical: Poor people were born poor. They dont choose to be poor. They dont want to be...



Poor people were born poor. They dont choose to be poor. They dont want to be poor.

Our education system is shit. Majority of students are flunking out of school because our teachers are horrible, our standards are horrible and we dont know what we are doing—-and we dont hold schools and teachers ACCOUNTABLE for their entire class failing the SOLS.

Then what do they do? Many of them end up in jail after flunking college.That is 33,000$ per person in jail. Taxessss. Or they end up pregnant, just another statistic. And then boom more taxes for those poor babies. Whereas, creating smaller private schools with better teachers and better resources would cost us about 9,000$ a child.

But we expect them to not have children, because poor people dont deserve families and love. 

But we expect them to not drink or partake in extradrugccicular  activities. Even though we know their lives suck. Even though drug abuse isnt solely found in poor communities. We know this. We dont care.

Drug test them, take away what little the government gives them. Let their children starve. Its not like they wont just get snatched up in the cycle. Because poverty is intergenerational. 

But we expect them to work shitty minimum wage jobs for the rest of their lives. No way to move forward. No way to get out. And then we stuff them aside in ghettos around the country. We make it so that they dont even know what the real world is like. We make them violent. We make our children and their children and their childrens children fear and look down on them.

And then we say its their fault.


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