Luke Russert asks Nancy Pelosi if she’s too old for a leadership position.
“Let’s for the moment honor it as a legitimate question although it’s quite offensive but you don’t realize it I guess.”
Luke, asking that in front of a stage of women is prooooooooooobably not the smartest thing you’ve ever done.
Nancy Pelosi is 72. She’s the same age as Harry Reid and only two years older than Mitch McConnell. There are 4 sitting senators who are in their 80s and 24 who are in their 70s. In the House, 13 members are in their 80s and 45 are in their 70s. Luke Russert did manage to name a couple of other aged folks to pick on, but let’s be honest. No one’s going to ask Ralph Hall, the oldest dude in the House at 89 who has been in his seat for over 30 years, in a press conference whether he’s too old to lead and if he shouldn’t give up his seat so some sweet young thing can take over.
It’s worth noting, Luke Russert is a 27-year-old entitled douchebag who only gets to ask Nancy Pelosi questions because his dad was Tim Russert. But…male journalists have been asking female leaders offensive questions like this, questions that would never be directed at a male leader, for years. It’s like they all sit around together trying to figure out the best way to ask, “So when are you going back to your kitchen, bitch?” or otherwise devalue the work women leaders do by asking them about clothes and plastic surgery instead of about their jobs.