In case this post wasn’t clear enough, I unfollow people who make fun of single mothers. I don’t care if the mother in question
- does things you, in your privileged existence, find distasteful in order to support her children
- has multiple children
- with multiple partners
- never married any of them
- never remarried/’found a man’ in order to give her children a ‘male role model’ (my dad left his wife and three children so that he could gamble freely and fuck other women; I’d rather have had NO male in my life than another one like him)
I don’t give a shit.
I don’t want to hear about your hand-wringing over ‘broken homes’ (my home was never broken) or whine to me about statistics concerning single parent households. I don’t want to hear the speculation about a woman’s character or the integrity you think she doesn’t have. Single parenthood is fucking rough in a lot of instances and I have no patience for people who sit there and pass judgment from their supposed positions of superiority.
I’ve had to unfollow two people because of some ridiculous meme that’s making its way around Tumblr and I just want to state this for the record in case anyone has any questions. And yes, I am aware that as the oldest daughter of a single mother (since the age of 12) I might have reasons for this strong feeling of mine and you know why? Because bullshit is bullshit. That’s all there is to it.
the-last-saffron: In case this post wasn’t clear enough, I unfollow people who make fun of single...