“Others worry that electing a female yell leader would take [Texas A&M] one step closer to doing something it has never done: Allow women to yell, cheer or dance on the football field. Those concerns were voiced last week by a columnist for the student newspaper. “Our University has changed some of its oldest traditions to include women, but I think the tradition of an all-male yell leader squad should remain untouched,” Tim Bardin, a senior finance major, wrote in the Battalion. “If we allow the dance team on Kyle Field, or a woman to hold the position of yell leader just to get with the times and modernize, how are we different than any other school in the nation? If we allow one, what is to stop the other from happening?””
Texas A&M yell leaders: Will it always be a guys-only thing? - Campus Overload - The Washington Post
This is seriously creepy and weird. They’re scared some ladies are gonna come along and sully their precious man field?