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Reading the comments on that Reuters article about Louisiana's new voucher program...


“Oh, how I wish some rational person would get that going here in communist Illinois. It would save the state and it could end up saving the country. But the teachers unions will fight to the death against it. they know it would put them out of business forever. The private schools kick their butts.”

“Liberalism exposed”

“A long, verbal sneer by an alleged journalist who fails to mask her disdain for anyone daring to defy the government school monopoly. As part of a family that has used public, private, and home schools for three generations, I can assure everyone that the overall results of this new strategy will be devastating to the traditional factory schools.”

“What the Governor did is extremely bold and has made career public school educators simply furious. I have many career public school educators in my family and that are friends so I always have to be careful about what I say.”

“The truth is that the country-wide failure of the teachers’ unions to educate our children on great gleaming gobs of extorted tax money is a national tragedy and an astonishing scandal.”

“Pay for real performance, not rigged test scores.”

”**I**…LIKE IT!!! What a great plan to get the Government OUT of Education..and allow us to get BACK to educationg our kids in the necessities rather than the dross…”

“By far, the kids using the Bible based curriculum, complete with its evolution-free slant, are out-performing the public school kids by a wide margin.”

“If the public schools aren’t educating kids, there’s a chance that they won’t end up as little brainwashed secular humanists when they finish high school! And if average parents are given a choice, they’ll pull their kids out of failing public schools in droves. Thor forbid that kids actually be presented with religious topics in a way that isn’t demeaning or mocking. And to question evolution? A theory with more holes than the women’s restroom in the Arkansas Governors office circa 1987? Those naughty little knuckle-dragging flat earthers!”

“There is no need to worry about some oddball schools, as competition will quickly get rid of bad schools.California and the entire USA need to get rid of government schools, and all of the massive federal, state, county, and local bureaucracy associated with them.”

“The text books in the schools today are written to suit the liberal agenda and can not recognize there is a God and the creator. They are re-writing our history. Thanking God for this and so relieved.”

“God bless you Bobby J. A future President In order for America to survive, we need to bust the Teacher Union Stranglehold on our children.”

“This is very similar to We the People knowing that anyone other than Obama and his Democrats (aka Socialists) would be better for our Nation’s leadership.”

“Teachers in Public school have NO idea of HOW to teach and with the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT taking over the Public Schools have made it impossible for teachers who ARE good and DO teach the kids to do their job.. Giving ALL parents vouchers might bring that back and get the kids who’s parents are interested in what their kids learn away from kids who parents believe the PUBLIC SCHOOL system is a FREE baby sitter.. away from kids who’s parents think their Johnny and Jane are TO good to have to follow the rules and learn and that the TEACHERS are always the ones WRONG never their child.. I think this will be a GOOD thing for teachers.. they to can LEAVE the Public Schools and get GOOD jobs at DECENT schools..”

“Private schools do accelerate learning and teach reading foundational skills and drills disdained by elitist liberal professors. I applaud Louisiana for doing what works! Private schools are much more accelerated than the “dumbed down” Whole Language approach in reading curriculum we see in liberal public schools! I’ve looked over many Charter Schools curriculum scope and sequence objectives and they are much better than “diversity rich – academic poor” public schools.”

“Its about time education was focused on the transfer of knowledge to students and away from vacation and benefits for teachers. Let this serve as the beginning of the end to those crippling teacher unions.”

“FINALLY, Someone who CARES about the children and young adults in this country! Gov. Jindal makes Arne Duncan look like a complete Buffoon for promoting more Politically Correct Failure in America’s education system”


“This is absolutely fantastic! There is little to no question that the results will show that children are better educated at much less expense. The Private school teachers are not robbing the tax-payers for unwarranted and unearned super-retirement plans and medical benefits most of us can only dream of! Further, the BS about “fixed costs” for buildings will solve itself when these buildings are closed due to the exodus to superior private schools. Likewise the private schools will upgrade their facilities due to the influx of cash. Once the entire country sees what a bunch of economic rapists the Democrats and Teachers Unions have been, it will spread throughout the country. AWESOME!”

“As opposed to union goons who regurgitate Marxist theory on command….”

“In today’s public schools, kids learn about self esteem, political correctness, environmentalism and revisionist history. We have a generation of young adults that feel great about themselves but can’t read worth a darn or name the 23rd president of the USA”

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