My child wears a hoodie- most days
He never smiles when he’s walking- all the time
He loves rap music
He wears his pants past his waist line- all the time
He’s taller than I am and works out at the gym so his muscles are impressive.
He goes to the store all hours of the day- all the time
He would stop to challenge anyone he thinks is following him for no reason.
He’s a black boy.
He’s also my baby. My soul.
Black mothers, we tell our boys, work harder because it’s not the same for you.
Be careful baby, don’t get in trouble because the punishment will not be the same for you.
Don’t act too tough because the assumptions will not be the same for you.
How do we say this to our babies: When a crime is committed against you, it’s still not going to be the same for you.
RIP- Baby.
Trayvon Martin